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Tackling metal theft

The Scottish Government is taking serious steps to tackle the growing problem of metal theft, the Justice Secretary has announced.

Kenny MacAskill has launched a consultation to improve standards in the industry by expanding the metal dealers licensing scheme.

It proposes bringing the vast majority of businesses into the licensing regime by requiring all dealers with a turnover of less than £10 million to be licensed. The current figure is £100,000.

A significant rise in the value of scrap metal has led to an escalation of metal theft in recent years. It has an impact on sectors such as the rail industry and utility companies as well as communities.

The cost to the UK economy has been estimated at £220 - £260 million in a recent report for the Association of Chief Police Officers.

The consultation closes on 29th February 2012.


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    Lord Advocate to refer Five Cadder Cases to Supreme Court

    The Lord Advocate is to refer five cases to the UK Supreme Court for a further ruling as to the scope of the Cadder v HMA decision which was handed down by last October by the Supreme Court. Contact expert criminal defence solicitors in Edinburgh on 0131 557 9151.

    Double Jeopardy Bill Passed with Unanimous Vote

    On 22 March 2011, the Double Jeopardy (Scotland) Bill passed its third and final stage through the Scottish Parliament. Contact McSporrans criminal lawyers for a free initial consultation on 0131 557 9151.