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McSporrans criminal solicitors' latest news on all aspects of criminal & road traffic law.

Government crackdown on dangerous driving

Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin announced this week that the fine for using a hand held device while driving would increase from the current level of £60 to £90, reports the Telegraph.

Speaking at a road safety conference in London, Mr McLoughlin revealed that the number of penalty points awarded will remain at three.

While Mr McLoughlin admitted that he had in the past used his phone while driving he said that would not do so now and likened the practice to drink-driving, which at one time was considered socially acceptable but is anathema now.

The proposed change, which will also apply to a range of other driving offences such as speeding and driving through a red light, received a cautious response from some driving organisations. A spokesman from the RAC told the Daily Mail that the police would need to ensure that the changes were accompanied by rigorous enforcement.

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