According to data obtained in a Freedom of Information request by LV= car insurance, around 100,000 motorists are fined for using a mobile phone behind the wheel on average every year, but only a fraction of mobile phone use while driving is actually detected.
One in three (33%) drivers admit to using their phone at the wheel, and of these, more than three quarters (77%) will answer calls and half (49%) will text.
Many motorists also access the internet on their phones whilst in control of a vehicle, using their devices to look at emails, check directions and to log-on to social networking sites.
The LV= study coincides with the tenth anniversary of the legislation banning mobile phone usage behind the wheel, which seems to have had little impact on deterring offenders.
One in five motorists (18%) still think it is acceptable to use a hand-held phone whilst driving, and almost one in 20 (4%) say they think it’s unlikely that they will get caught and admit they are undeterred by the current punishment of three penalty points and a £60 fine.