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2011 festive drink drug driving campaign

The Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS) has launched this year’s festive drink and drug driving campaign.

The campaign sees the introduction of tough new measures targeting first time offenders who provide a sample for analysis which is three times the legal limit or more, and also those offenders who refuse to provide a sample for analysis without a reasonable excuse. As well as receiving a criminal record, a substantial fine and an automatic twelve month ban, these drivers may now have their vehicle seized and, on conviction, have it taken away – for good.

Commenting on the launch of the 2011 festive campaign Chief Constable Justine Curran, ACPOS Vice President, said:

“In Scotland we are on patrol 24 hours a day, every day of the year catching those who pose a threat to our safety. Last year, 7563 people in Scotland were caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, which is an average of around 20 offenders every day. It is staggering that so many people are willing to risk their lives and the lives of others. From today, over the Festive Campaign, we will be increasing our road patrols targeting those who continue to drive under the influence of drink or drugs. 

“This year’s campaign marks another extension to the Vehicle Forfeiture Scheme. From today if we discover through our inquiries that an offender is three times the legal limit or more we will request that the court gives consideration to seizing and forfeiting the offender’s vehicle, this means that on conviction the vehicle will be sold or destroyed.”


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    Lord Advocate to refer Five Cadder Cases to Supreme Court

    The Lord Advocate is to refer five cases to the UK Supreme Court for a further ruling as to the scope of the Cadder v HMA decision which was handed down by last October by the Supreme Court. Contact expert criminal defence solicitors in Edinburgh on 0131 557 9151.

    Double Jeopardy Bill Passed with Unanimous Vote

    On 22 March 2011, the Double Jeopardy (Scotland) Bill passed its third and final stage through the Scottish Parliament. Contact McSporrans criminal lawyers for a free initial consultation on 0131 557 9151.